Statement regarding Dirt Jump Removal in Bert Flinn Park
While it is upsetting to see trails like Ray Ray’s on Burke and Mark’s in Bert Flinn get removed, it is important to understand the current circumstances in which we exist as trail builders and trail advocacy organizations. Gone are the days where you can simply wander into the woods and build whatever you like. However, this doesn’t mean that the days of amazing mountain biking trails are over; in fact, one could argue that the opposite is true. TORCA has a good working relationship with all of the land managers in the Tri-cities. This includes Port Moody, Wesbild (developers of lower Burke Mountain), and Recreation Sites and Trails BC (Crown land above Port Moody and Coquitlam). Although progress is not always as quick as some would like, we are working with all of these land managers to create a sustainable and lasting mountain biking trail network in the Tri-cities area. Where before unsanctioned trails were always in danger of being removed, now we can plan and build trails that can be guaranteed to last for generations.
Some may argue that by “following the rules” we will never be allowed to build big and exciting features anymore. This is not true, as evidenced by the double-black drop feature that was approved and built at the end of Marvin on Eagle Mountain. Work is also being done to return The Dentist to its former glory. Other new trails and features are in the works that you can look forward to, whether you are a beginner, intermediate, or advanced rider.
As with the removal of the dirt jumps on Mark’s trail in Bert Flinn Park, the city’s main concerns were the environmental damage created by poor drainage, liability, and the lack of access for emergency vehicles. TORCA has been advocating for the creation of a sanctioned dirt jump area, as it is obvious that there is a need in the community for such features.
In the meantime, if you have a hankering for building trails or jumps, feel free to reach out to TORCA at [email protected], as we do have opportunities for trail building outside of our advertised trail days. You can also take a look at our summer trail crew job postings here: (link to posting)
Tri-cities Off Road Cycling Association
Board of Directors