For this trail day we will work on Flavelle trail in Bert Flinn Park. It needs some water management and rebuilding prior to the winter season.
PLEASE NOTE – Pre-registration is REQUIRED for this trail day. We have only 20 spots available. If you registered and can’t make it please let us know via email to [email protected] as we might have people on the wait list.
When: 9 AM for coffee & snacks
Where: Meet at the playground on Flavelle Drive
Head out on the trail at 9:15 AM – Lunch time is around 2 PM
The current long term forecast for this day does not look very promising. If it is too wet we will cancel the trail day.
Lunch, snacks and coffee will be provided. Please bring some water and a pair of gloves. No experience necessary!
This trail day is sponsored by NORCO.
If you can’t make it to the trail day but still want to help out, consider pitching in with a few bucks and earn some trail karma while you’re at it. Even $5 goes a long way. Click on the link below to donate funds to TORCA:
Bookings are closed for this event.